Thursday, February 23, 2012

christine alicino's In Stereo

Photographer Christine Alicino in partnership with long-time commercial collaborative partner Art Director Ursula Brookbank of Nordstrom, present a show of In Stereo, a two-year-long photo and video project begun on the lunar new year. In the first year, Christine and Ursula, living on different coasts, each took one photo a day on their mobile phones. The photos were sent at the end of each day with no knowledge of the other's subject or image. For year two, Christine and Ursula each took one video each week with the same parameters. The images and videos were not discussed or written about until they met up at the end of each year.
"There seems to be a synchronicity occurring when both images are viewed side by side, they some how depend on and inform each other while conveying a sense of times passage," adds Christine.
The show opens tonight, February 23rd at 8pm at the Echo Park Film Center.

Monday, February 6, 2012

chicago roadshow

I don't think words will quite do justice to describe the incredible week I had showing portfolios with 4 of my photographers, but stay tuned as there will be more about the Chicago Roadshow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here is a group portrait taken on the streets of Chicago by Matthew Turley, but art directed by everyone; Jamie Kripke, Margaret Lampert and Jim Salzano (looking here like the lead singer of our band).

Sunday, January 22, 2012

15th annual rep lunch

We celebrated our 15th annual Rep Lunch at Tyler Florence's Wayfare Tavern on December 15th. This is such a coveted tradition, we all look forward to it every year. A bit delayed, but here are some photos from the day.